It's amazing what an army can do....
Sunday morning, the dirt parking lot of our corner bar was swarming, purring, rumbling.....black boots, ponytails, bandanas, lots of leather, tattoos, and engines revved......a baby needed surgery, and the poker run began.
At 2:00 the masses came. The Indian, there, frying fish from all his early mornings out. Pink stuff has him whipped, but not enough to keep him down for this. The circle is in need. The band, after an early morning catnap, back again to play for love. And deep pockets everywhere. Smiling. Toasting. Giving.
One day.Two precious toddler twins. One in desperate need. Two parents. 60 bikes. 300 people. Ten thousand one hundred dollars by dark.
Two heads shaved: one male, one female. Sheared for the tiny sum of $3,300
Two locks of love....priceless.
One pair of 1970's men's disco shoes auctioned for $3.00. Price to watch the first guy they fit tap dance to Eric Claption: $300.00
Matching polyestor suit $15.00. Price to watch the tallest biker there strip down to his boxers and model it, $300.00
I have never felt so much love inside the same four walls in my life.
Perhaps, that's why, when the band climbed over the tables and shelves from the auction and started warming up....and a sea of arms and legs rushed behind them to clear the dance floor.....we all knew what the first song would be....
"And the house is rockin' tonight....."
May the spirit of yesterday carry on, the circle be unbroken, and the little one heal and laugh and play.....
Love grows.....
You have it. Love all around you.
It's terrible to see a child suffer from something like cancer. But when adults spare no expense to try and see one through, it goes a long way--for them, and for all of us.
Sounds like your cheers is the place to be.
Eric....Our Cheers is the most phenomenal place I've really ever been....it's a neighborhood, a town, a family....This little angel, blonde haired, chubby with curls....was born with her identical sister, prematurely, with tracheal stenosis and had a tracheotomy performed at birth. This is the first operation of many to create her a larnyx.....she will be placed in a drug induced coma the first 7 to 10 days post-surgically and then be hospitalized for about six weeks before coming home to recoup before surgery number two, then three, etc....
Pray for our little ones, they're the future.....
Peace~love, my friend, sorry for taking flight from everyone this week, it's been cuckoo.....but the colors and the love are flowing....
You didn't take flight from anyone, I thought. I knew you were letting everything simmer down inside of yourself.
I'm happy you're still here, happy your posted, glad to see new butterflys on the wall.
eric...of course, Iknowyouknow, it's quiet now....like the morning after the first hurricane...when we wandered out in the dark
and stepping over
downed lines
and life as we knew it before...
thankful to have this chance to rebuild.....
yeah, it's like that.
And finally, in the wee hours, I pulled out the crayons and pens...
and found peace again....
Tag. Your turn. Post again. i knowyouknowiknow.
on it! I have awards to give. Maithri and our girl Blue at her spa both had given me something, so now it's time to find some poems to round out the mix.
The anit war poem did awesome--and I still have names and faces unaccounted for! They're busy, like usual, so I won't wait on them.
you go, boy!And Maithri and Blue are incredible spirits and souls....they're blessings are soulful kisses...
I'm there. YOu'll like the poem, I think. It's an old one from a while back, but a good one all the same.
eric....you, my friend, are phenomenal....this poem alone, this message, about hate and injustice, true to life....has left me aching. You've yanked my heartstrings and my angerstrings in the same ballad. When is it ever ever going to end? When will we be one? When will we give love a license to grow instead of hate the power?
I know it. Hate afflicts the young worst of all--when learned young it stunts the heart forever, making it brittle and cold.
But exposing the truth is a comforting thing. Glad you liked the poem, sorry to upset you, friend.
What a beautiful ode to the love that gently bubbles forth when ordinary people come together with light in their hearts and healing on their lips.
Praying for this precious soul, May her voice be given an instrument to sing through soon.
Holding you and your loved ones in the light,
Love and healing, Maithri
Interesting and exciting post!!
That's so amazing when people are willing to come together like that, more than willing but wanting. Praying for the little one....
what a testament to caring for my fellow man!!!!
It will never cease to anaze me how people pull together to help finance things that are the "right" thing to do. I say to hell with fed tax and let the nation give money to do whatever they feel is right ... I know that there would be bad things but I think the good would smother the bad. I have hope. Bike on old Hippie woman!
singtome! singtome!
you are the sun ~shining the light on benevolent souls
radiant with positive energy
healing with words the people all around you
THANK YOU for your posts. i'm praying, sending love
and THANK YOU for my INCREDIBLE CARE PACKAGE! -so generous and thoughtful. the best surprise! i've arranged for every item to have it's own special place; own home, in mine.
you are a cherished friend! amazing artist, remarkable writer and blessing to this world
love to you and all around ~s.
I started doing locks of love two years ago when I got up the nerve to cut my hair short. What a great idea that is.
P.S> I would love to come hang at the beach with you guys again. I love the stories! I don't think I've ever heard the same one twice but I would never tire of them even if I did.
"Ten thousand one hundred dollars by dark."
its a heartsum...filled to the brim and overflowing with love...
bless her little soul and keep her safe..
scott...it was incredible! IS incredible!
Maithri....oh, they deserved so much more....accolades and music....I was just overwhelmed at the spirit of healing, the love, the generosity of friends and strangers alike, moving together in perfect harmony, like "the wave" at a football game ~ passing the plate. And now, it's time for the prayers....so I thank you my friend.....And yes, she'll sing one day!
mavin...And I hope one day soon, we'll have one really really excited toddler with a lot of tales to tell!
sandy....they're amazing, huh? These ordinary folks we call friends and strangers.....
Peace~love~healing to all
karma....it's the circle growing....deep and wide....and it never ceases to amaze me what people, ordinary people, can do when given a cause! Pray on, little one, they're going to need those more than any pennies....
spongy....amen! in our Eutopia that's the way it would work. Where there's a need it would be met....and as for all the other rubbish.....well, humbug! Much love, wild child
She....ahhh, the magic of trinkets....on Friday, the day after hell night, I climbed into my hand-me-down cut offs (courtesy of the boys) and pulled that Lucky T-shirt over my head and started breathing again.....And you and your karmic little magic were everywhere.....waving your wand. I was gonna tell you, that a package was on the fly, gonna write a winded note and babble on, but instead just sent her out on her own! Peace~love in a cardboard box! Much love, my friend.....
Dee....Locks of love is incredible. Kimbies was the first in our circle to do it.....and she can't wait to be the next, to have that babyfine new hair grow and grow and grow! You rock bride-to-be, you rock!
karoline....isn't that amazing? And if you could have seen it all. Those with empty pockets filled the place to the brim with donated items to be auctioned off, with home fried hushpuppies, coleslaw, baked beans, and salads. They cleared tables and cleaned up. They donated heart and soul. Everyone was giving, cheering, leaning in and doing!
peace~love my friends and now you all know why Toby Keith's song "I love this bar" is on my playlist.....They don't do country at our corner place, but I swear he must have been here, must have listened for a moment, watched the faces.....felt the love....
Isn't it amazing how something so extraordinary can happen when so many ordinary folks do something out of the ordinary on a Sunday afternoon.?! I would have loved to have been there. Prayers, love & hugs to the little one and of course, to you.xoxox
It's times like these that makes the human spirit soar - with such an outpouring of love, who can doubt that there is hope for us all yet? Sounds as though this little girl has a lot of guardian angels to look out for her..
Good stuff. People having a good time to help others. I've been to some of these events. The local diner, Delta Diner, holds bike nights all summer. Each hosted bt the diner, but with everything you spend going to the tri-county Hospice. We laugh and eat and ride through the Northern Wisconsin forests, but when we buy our glasses of beer, we know we're giving a boost and making ut wasier for those involved to help others and that the others might have comfort as they travel through our midst.
lately yours and mine and skinny's and many other posts have been about not just clink! but also bam!
mary chapin carpenter: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug...
either way, though, good people do their best.
Wow! Great work.
I love your song list. MP3 fuel, thanks!
I like your writing style.
never doubt the human spirit...one love, sugar!
Ah you bikers are all the same.
Caring. Sweet. Raising funds for deserving children.
Shit. You give the leathers a bad name!!! LOL
Love all that you do, all that you stand for. You are a good shit lady.
Love ya!
people have hearts, the good deed is to spread & multiple because of that day & through your post ... little girl is such a gift, she suffered for many souls to heal ... precious life she is ....
SLB...well, you were here, because I heard your words, egging me out the door, clinkin! those day beers, cheering, whooping, hollering the crowd on. ILYAMYSVVFM!
Shrink....Sometimes it takes just this to bring the angel out in everyone. If only more of the world could slow down and listen, love......It sure would make life on this earth a better parade!
Oh Spado, and don't think for one moment, I didn't think of you on this day! Bike's everywhere, from everywhere, folks just like you. It does the soul good!
Peace~love my friends
kj...clink!Bam! That about sums it up! Run the tally for this week...Clink~Bam~clink~Bam!Bam!. Starting to sound a whole lot like hard rock! Love to you girl....
justacoolcat...They were awesome! Love grows~
Jessica....I still don't know what MP3s are, but the music is good.....enjoy it, it's been around a long, long time! And gets better every day!
Savannah....Never! Because....I believe.....Peace~love
Gillian....LOL! Here in the heartland, it's the only name they go by....
And Sundays are for runs!
Drips....and I can tell you, because I watched....many hearts grew....and that's a gift they'll have and share from now on.
Peace~love, my friends, and prayers for the little one, please
Those biker runs are just awesome. Awesome people, awesome results.
Well done.
Love grows
the invisible flowers
that bloom
stretch the soul
that seeds
and somehow finds
eternal harvest
just run....Clink! They're the bomb!
everywhere....like waking up to the poppy field....
peace~love, my friends
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