Thursday, April 12, 2007

When I run away....

When I run away....I want to live by the sea....

In a salty little shanty....with the night air blowing through the rusty screens. Where the terazza floors are etched by the sands of time and gritty under my feet. Where sandspurs grow in the yard and probably nothing else, but terazza pots of potpourri and spices are lined up like little soldiers, crooked little soldiers, in the window sills....

Where the wind howls at night and wraps her loving arms a thousand times around "my house", threatening to whisp us off into the oceans, but really.....just playing with my mind. Where the sun is tempermental and scorching and she spits her rays onto the rooftop like laughter .....and the tar between the shingles simmers and smokes at noon.

I want to run barefoot to the mailbox.....playing hot potatoe on the driveway....collecting postcards from loved one from the rusty ole box, flag up to the skies....

I want to dive onto clean white sheets at night, too small for the double bed, and too thin to hide the mattress seams, stretched to their limit and fresh from hanging on the line, soaking up the salty air....

I want to walk , heels first, toes scrunching, in the early morning sand.....the moon falling with the tide and the sun peeking her little pink nose over the waves, playing hide and go seek.....

I want to dance under the endless sky. Drinking up laughter and wishing on random stars. I want a rusty ole fridge in the carport, chucked full of Michelob light and watermelons I thumped at the produce stand.

I want to pop jiffy pop late at night and watch black and white re-runs, static and all....feed the neighborhood cats out the back door....

Until then.....
I live here.
In my house.
My little love.

And every now and then I drive to Blakely
and pretend
I'm gonna move to the middle of nowhere
sit on the porch
and drink beer
and wave
friendly passers-by....

Just give me peace......


Bardouble29 said...

I can close my eyes and see you running down the beach with the wind in your hair. That is the same thing I just be free...

singleton said...

a priceless four letter word!

peace, love, and you get me girl....

skinnylittleblonde said...

Lol, and I love to meet you there!

SHE said...

so much fun to read!

hit on every sense/made me feel like i was there

~ready to share a cold one


CelticLove said...

I can smell the salty air and feel the comforting sand under foot.

If it were for me to give... PEACE!!! :)

singleton said...

and I love to meet you there, too, baby sib....
two months...scooching closer to the sea!

She....passing you one right now! Clink!

close your eyes, and listen....hear the ocean...roar and then whisper...
if it were for me to give....I'd share it too! peace, peace, peace

Judy said...

Once again, Baron does an act of kindness:

Wizard, have you met Singleton?

Why, no, Baron, I haven't, but maybe I should.

May you spend many hours in this place that you describe. Your piece took me back to happy times spent in Lewes, Delaware.

Glad to make your acquaintance.

singleton said...

Thank you Sweet Baron, always....

Wizened...May the circle grow!

No said...

I'm already there in my mind....forgive me, but where is Blakely?

JustRun said...

And I'd like to visit you when you get there!

Anonymous said...

That was an awesome post!
I could totally identify.
I wish I were there too.
This is a dream I have to many times. Just to get away to a simpler place.

Fuzzylogic said...

Just beautiful!how I long to be this carefree once again.It's just simple things like this that makes life so beautiful.I simply loved this post Singleton.

SpongyBones said...

I try to run away a little every day. Someday I will get to where I am going!

Peace Out!

M@ said...

I'm sure it could be arranged for you to be burried there someday. ;)

vicci said...

I'm lovin this so the photo...and the words....ALL OF IT!!!! Have a GREAT weekend my sistah!

singleton said...

No....forgiven! Cause Blakely is in the middle of nowhere, baby! The perfect half way point for SLB and I to on our baby bro's porch, sing over the cotton fields, and dream on! Smack in the middle of nowhere somewhere in Georgia!

Justrun....I wish you would!, too! We'll have a party guys!

fuzzy...yep, a "simple" party....just jiffy pop over a bonfire, a tub of beer, and the fireflies.....

Spongy....exactly, edging a little closer every day!

Matt...LOL! I don't wanna be buried there! People would dig me up and build sandcastles outa my body parts...I wanna live there! know that great week-end? It's six hours away!

Peace, love, and Lets all pretend....we're on a run-away week-end!

Anne said...

*sigh*... What a beautifully written story. I love the cute little house in the picture too.

I think Spongy has the right idea. :)

Mustafa Şenalp said...

I like your site very much. Thanks for your interest. Have a good day

singleton said...

house courtesy of "out my brother's front door"...we borrowed it for the mood! And I'm following Spongy's lead as we speak, running away a little more everyday! peace~love

Me said...

You and me can fly together; let me take you away ;)

singleton said...

orhan.... Go ahead Calgon, take me away! :)

me and the other me said...

you have just described my runaway dream to perfection. how in the hell did you and paige become so freakin' talented?! it gives the rest of us pathetic bloggers a bad name.

singleton said...

nah, baby, all us pathetic bloggers have the same free! p,l, and wings!