Sunday, April 22, 2007


The sun started a riot. Smiling from the sky. Rising on her own. Flipping lazy clouds, like pancakes, out of her view. She whispered on our cheeks, and cackled kind of haughty as she kissed us on our knees...."Follow me, for free".....

We put the top down . Buckled up and took off.....

Hugging the highway, feeling her heat.

Past the row after row of make-believe castles, shuttered up for the winter, with their chain-locked gated lives.....past the private little yachts, Carnival Cruise size, with their tacky little names....."Octopussy" and "The Mare-in-her", past the tennis courts, the Valet parking attendents in bermudas and jackets....

We revved the engine at red lights and bolted on green.....

...Shot the peace sign at housekeepers dusting the cans, tourists in rick-o-shays rattling the streets, and "married-for-money's" toting their tribes....

We snaked between the palm trees and cocacabanas, banged U-turns in Membership Only Concrete worlds, and played chicken with the draw bridges and uniformed men....

We followed the sun ,with her bright blue petticoat, 100 miles south.....

Until they would let us in.......

Where the beer was ice cold, and the barstools were crooked. Where the ladies room door was propped closed with your foot. Where the "We sale sea shells" played music we could dance to. Where the people were comfortable wearing their skin.

"Theres no place like home......."


skinnylittleblonde said...

I saw the sun and the smiling martini moon and you raced through the circuit of my mind like Tony Stewart or Jimmy Johnson making their laps. I'm so glad you had a good week-end chasing the sun... just don't follow too closely, she can burn, as she is the keeper of all rainbows...

SHE said...

great read! great ride!

singleton said...

SweetSLB....And I felt you too, the moment I saw that Martini Moon And reached my fingertips up to the sky and blew kisses his way.. And funny that you should mention the rainbows....we passed those too...the rainbow colored house with the word PEACE graffitied on their highway fence....
And THAT made me laugh and smile and stretch further out of the seat and wave my arms higher into the sky! Peace,love, my little one!

She....Next time, pile in!

mindy said...

cold beer! yum!

JR's Thumbprints said...

It's finally getting warm in Michigan, so us snowbirds can relate.

singleton said...

Mindy...yup! And on a hot day!

JR....Bless your hearts...We've been basking in it for two months now....Enjoy, Finally!

SpongyBones said...

Damn man I need to find a new home!

Me said...

No Martini for me, thanks ;)

Flipping lazy clouds, like pancakes, out of her view.

That is so very elegant.

singleton said...

spongy.....home is where it feels good!'s about a beer, dear?

Me said...


singleton said...
