Sunday, April 08, 2007

Trust me......

It's my favorite movie. "A chic flick" he said, lazily swooshing the margarita in the oversized, salted glass. Mmmmmmmm.

"We're watching it" I purred, flopping on the leopard skin rug just behind him. The first afternoon of the Long Hot Summer had arrived and after floating in the hammock and lolling around in the pool, it wasn't quite time to throw the steaks on. "We're watching it" I whispered, reaching around him to hit play.

Sometime during the can-can, boredom left his eyes and without an audience to notice him, he drifted into the story. Margarita in his right hand, absentmindly swished just every now and then. He didn't notice when I topped it off again.


I scooched the markers closer. Snuck them into my space behind him. NOW, I thought. I traced a word on his back with my finger. "Know what that says?" Mmmmmmm, noooooo" eyes following Satine's every move.

The markers followed her every word......

Saturday afternoon at the movies.
Trust me, you're gonna like it.


skinnylittleblonde said...

Hahahaha! I love it! Much better than Timmytoes body decor for his real-life Moulin Rouge movie on St Patty's Day!
That movie is great!
Gawd, girl, I Miss You & Love you Even More!

Me said...

That is a beautiful photograph.

singleton said...

skinny! LOL! 24 hours baby!

Orhan! It was one of those priceless moments! For everything else, there's Mastercard!

skinnylittleblonde said...

Drawing 101 Classes Offered At Home Now
prerequisites required: One enchanting movie and/or one case of beer, consumed.


skinnylittleblonde said...


singleton said...

slb: beer, in both cases!

Fuzzylogic said...

Moulin rouge,loved that movie!and LOL that was one fine piece of drawing:)

vicci said...

Oh I love it!!! :-0 and the movie!!!! :-)

singleton said...

LOL! belting out "RoXXXXXXXannnnnne" right now....

JR's Thumbprints said...

My wife and I couldn't seem to get through it. And she loves musicals.

Anonymous said...

Read through a couple of posts-VERY COOL. Thanks for stopping by my place.

singleton said...

Jr....Did you try it with Margaritas?
Wreckless....enjoyed visitin'!

mindy said...

i love moulin rouge so much that when my husband and i got married in vegas my colors were red and blue and i looked everywhere to find a large jeweled elephant!!(had to settle for a renaissance room) hilarious picture!! he must have really loved satine. :)

singleton said...

Oh I would have loved to have thrown rice over the elephant's trunk! "All we need is love"..... The music swoons me, the movie moves me.....And yeah, they usually love Satine! LOL!