Sunday, February 04, 2007

Just passing through my world......

I saw her this morning. Fluttering…dancing….doing figure 8’s in the morning sun. Free. She tickled by my Sunday morning winter window. Reminding me. Yes, Butterflies are really free. For everything else, there’s Mastercard….


skinnylittleblonde said...

So simple. So true & so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Just passing through. God it's true.

Me said...

SkinnyLittleOne summed it up perfectly.

Angela Marie said...

So so true!

I love your art, and the colors are beautiful!

singleton said...

slb,annon,orhan,Angela marie.... right? There's a price tag on everything, and we stand in line to pay.....When sometimes the best things in life are at our fingertips, within touching!

mindy said...

wonderful art!! and wonderful ideas. i just saw hush hush little charlotte just the other day on tv for the first time. bette davis is amazing.

Angela Marie said...

Hmmmmm.... now THAT should be a commercial! Exactly what your last comment said. I think the credit card commercial people would cringe seeing that.

Love it!!

Anonymous said...

There's something special about a yellow butterfly.

singleton said... watch for "Whatever happened to Baby Jane?" You'll love her even more...
Angela! Too bad we missed the superbowl!
anon....I know

vicci said...

Oh Sweetie...This is wonderful! I love it!!!! I have been up to my elbows in !!!!!!!! just getting back to normal! Love ya!

singleton said...

Vicci....WLY2! Welcome back to everyday!

eric1313 said...

This one right here is so beautiful.

Is it sold? If not you sould put it up at justgivemepeace.

Those yellow butterflys; and the poor girl with her hands tied. But she was freed in time.

YOur work is so awesom. I could sit interpreting it all day, hopping around to different porches seeing and reading and commenting, then I always make it back here, and find the best sights.

"just passing through..."

That was me that late june day, my eyes saucer-wide soaking in everysight and idea at 'peace...

singleton said...

Eric....this is so strange, that you should come here, to this picture, this post....i remember vividly this vision, what prompted this drawing, the day, the moment and yet the post date now seems all wrong...I saw those real life, dancing, swirling, spinning, dancing, around me, above me....and yet the words are right....funny.....
I think she is sold, but really have no idea, skinny and I are not too good at updating sales.....and I know for sure, she doesn't live here anymore....if she is, I hope she lives with Lotusblossum....the keeper of my thoughts....or is happy nonetheless, spinning, twirling, swirling.....

So glad ours paths crossed while passing through, my friend....