Saturday, March 10, 2007

Don't pack lighters in your Suitcase....

Chey has a lot of luggage. She has stories and nightmares, family trees with hanging moss and empty nests, credit cards in other names….She has a lot of luggage. She smiles easily and hugs heartily. Welcomes you into her world and as you take that first tenuous step onto the other side, you trip…..everyone does. Dozens of half empty suitcases are scattered everywhere, their Samsonite security codes busted wide open, their latches pried apart. Contents of a chaotic life flung haphazardly across her living room floor. And still she smiles. Throws a few beloved trinkets in an overnight bag and faces another day….

Amazing woman….What you don't know won't hurt you...

We all tote our weight. Histories we’d rather not share. Blood lines we can’t trace. Moments we can’t forget, and those we can’t remember that haunt us in the night.

It makes us who we are. And why.

It’s how laugh lines are painted on our faces, and scrowls scribbled on our foreheads. Why we develop silly little ticks like hair twirling, foot tapping, gum chomping. Why we smoke so much, drink so much, stutter once in a while. Sometimes, why we smile....

Why some of us choose our paths, and some fall fatefully forward…

Suitcases. Secrets. We all have them. Stuffed full of all we are and all we’ve been.

Some are neatly packed briefcases, organized and alphabetized, bar-coded for a rainy day or a funeral parade. Some are rancid garbage cans left out in the sun for the neighbors to puke over and stray dogs to rummage through. Some are designer labeled, lined with potpourri…..all haughty-taughtied up. Some are nothing more than a tattered levi pocket, it’s contents so comfortable and at home, a pencil rubbing on our back hip…

There are really really big suitcases and really really little ones. But we all tote ‘em.

I just stuffed a lifetime in a really really tiny one.

I can take it anywhere…

to be continued...


Bardouble29 said...

So right you are, we all cary baggage. Even the ones that pretend not to.

From time to time, I try to "go through" some of my baggage and throw out the unneccessary and fold some the other stuff and put it on the shelf.

Baggage makes us who we are, but it doesn't need to be constantly lugged around...

vicci said...

I can't wait once again to hear the rest...and I never really thought about it...but suitcases DO tell alot about who we are...we all have makes us.."US" and Hugs!

singleton said...

BD....especially the ones who pretend not too! And U R so right! Sometimes, we should just leave home without it!

Vicci...makes us..."US".....very well summed up! Peace and love

Anonymous said...

And tucked away deep in those suitcases are our denials...we all have those you dear...for reminding me that have baggage is not such a bad thing afterall! BTW...I came by to see you on Saturday...but you were not home :( I will of course, try and try again!

singleton said...

Awwwwww, I am aching! I would have so loved to have seen you, I was doing the sun on my nose, sand on my toes thing, and couldn't find Tony and Joe's thing! You know where! And yeah, I know all about those denials....."I don't know what you're talking about....."blah!blah!blah!blah!
peace and love-love-love you

Angela Marie said...

Singleton! Do I have BagGaGE!! A lot of suitcases full. It has made me who I am. I just wish I could travel a little lighter.

Ya know.... it's all inside me.

JR's Thumbprints said...

Hey! Don't forget those dudes that think their home's wherever they hang their hat; If they try it on my turf, I'd probably fold them up like a suitcase.

singleton said...

Angela Marie... I know! Maybe we should all travel a little lighter!

JR....LOL! ummmmm, where'd you hang your hat at the hottub?

JustRun said...

We can't be baggageless. I was just trying to convince a friend of mine that this past weekend- he thinks one life change is going to erase everything. It just doesn't work that way.
While I wholeheartedly believe we can start over, I also believe the only way we know we're starting over is because of the path we've already taken.

Fuzzylogic said...

Baggages make what we are.But they shouldn't weigh you down.I pack mine very carefully and try to keep it minimal but they always seem to overflow:)

Me said...

Poetic and beautiful, as usual.

singleton said...

Justrun....well, now we're getting somewhere. Isn't it who we are and why and therefore always an inate part of the butterfly effect?

fuzzy....well, I'm not a careful packer, but I stuffed a lotta things in that teeny tiny little suitcase!

orhan....P & L, as usual

skinnylittleblonde said...

Lol, thirds times a charm!
I keep my 'baggage' in cardboard boxes up in the attic of my head.
My suitcases,however, are ever-ready for a get-away...I never unpack them! They sit upstairs still packed with travel toothbrush, swimsuit & such!

singleton said...

Skinny...I'm ready to go!

Baron Ectar said...

I am lightening up my load - thanks for this post - well needed.

singleton said...

Baron... you're so very welcome. And we're glad to have you back!