Friday, September 15, 2006

I swear I saw this today

I wonder what would make a grown man take his 30,000 brand new Ford pick up to the paint shop and have these words emblazoned on it? BIG BUTT BUBBA!


Anonymous said...

Too much money?

Anonymous said...

A Big Butt & proud of it?

Anonymous said...

Lack of imagination?

Anonymous said...

His momma named him that?

Me said...

^ Love the responses.

Reminds me of Kill Bill. Can't recall what he had on his ute, I think it Pussy Wagon, or something like that.

sammyray said...

Acute retardation. Without any of the cute.

Anonymous said...

I think he bought it like that. Got a killer deal.

Mary Bee said...

Maybe that is his girly's nickname.

Anonymous said...

Could you hear the bass-line of his music playing?
Could it of been 'I like Big Butts and I don't know why'

Maybe he was just a Butt Man.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he just smokes BIG cigarettes