Saturday, July 11, 2009

This House Believes

Sometimes I see things...
Out of the corner of my eyes,
for a flash, an instance...

Or maybe, sometimes....
Things see me....

Photos taken last night at our little Hippie Slumber Party. These are the walls and windows to Kimbies world....

Steam trapped forever, frozen in a glass box at the bathroom window...And we all saw it...

A delightful painting of an English Garden, tucked behind glass in a Victorian frame....
And we all saw it...

The Faces....

We weren't haunted. We weren't afraid.
We danced.
Drank beer.
Told stories.
In their company...

And somehow I'm sure, so did they....
In ours....


Shimmerrings said...

We see what we need to see, when we need to see it... and... who knows... what sees us... when, or why... btw... I see people (and critters?)in a circle, dancing and being joyful, maybe mickey mouse hi-5'ing granny, or maybe an angel... but I also see a picket fence with a cat atop, another cat playing a fiddle (or cello)...

kj said...

once you see, you see. that's a blessing, and girl, you're blessed.

i'm so glad to be coming back here. please come see me too when you can.


Maithri said...

How very good it is
to know that there are
still believers in this world

satisfied to know
that the visible
is only a sign of the invisible
at work

That the iceberg might well
but it runs deeper than
we could ever imagine

Thank you for seeing
for believing

The butterflies
do the rest,

Much love, M

kj said...

dear friend, there is an award for you at my blog. please come


singleton said...

Shimmerings....ahhh, you're so right....and some of us see what we believe and some of us believe only what we see....And some of us are lucky....
On break at work the other day, I was lollygagging in front of a giant fountain built of river rock...And there were faces, there too....mountain lions, chubby little children, an old woman, a gnome....faces formed in hundred year old rocks....
As clear as a polaroid picture:)

KJ...I'm working on coming out again! Jeff DNS on Friday and we rescheduled for this Friday, but the week has been, well, a trainwreck, a rollercoaster...
Soon, friend, soon....
And yes, we're all blessed, aren't we?

Maithri...Ahhh, my friend....
"satisfied to know
that the visible
is only a sign of the invisible
at work"
How incredibly huge your words are,
your thoughts are....

This week,
there have been Angels everywhere...