Friday, December 06, 2013

The Twisted Trip to here......

We tripped over tree roots....Their sprawling, snaking, climbing age old fingers pointing into  the woods...
and stumbled one step, two steps deeper into the peace...
Just the sound of water bubbling, running, falling...
and sticks breaking under our steps....

I breathe differently now....deep...and slow and on purpose....

Because every moment matters....

And in the midst of insane chaos....
my body a war field...
my mind on fire....

I feel the presence of the reason.... I can't name it, touch it, explain it....but I know somehow, I was meant to come here...
to fall,...
to tumble....
into this crazy 
wrecking ball...

It must be the butterflies....


Anonymous said...

I was at the Butterfly Bar last night.
Knowing you weren't there, but re-reading, just as if you were.
It felt like home, somehow.
Merry upcoming Christmas, Sing!

xo Babs

singleton said...

Much Peace and isn't funny how some places, sounds, words....will always be home? May the circle be unbroken, Merry Christmas to you friend, and may the year be a good one!

Anonymous said...

So good to return here and find that you've been writing, again... and to feel the change... even, as Babs says, it's familiar... like home... and yet different... Peace to you and yours through all these loving changes... shimmerrings...

singleton said...

Shimmerings....And so many times I've missed you all....Quite a little road trip we've all been on.....Funny how wandering back here, it suddenly feels as if I never left.... Much Peace to you, friend....and Hope...for the new year, for all:)

Anonymous said...

Love you, miss you, and think of you always. Ann

Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

Good to take another walk along the Hippie Parade and find it as comforting as ever.

singleton said...

Annie! Much love, sweet friend,

always....... long....dejavue, yeah?

singleton said...

Ultra! Holy Hippie, How TH are you? If's been like forever! Wow:)))))