And when I wasn't...
when I wandered off on the way to meetings to stare at the Tinker Man...
scribbled on my sit~upon...
burned the house down on the way out the door to my first camp out...
I gave up.
And then I always wanted to dress up like one for Halloween.
Pretend to be a good Girl Scout...
To be prepared...
I wanted to parade around in my little green dress, and my anklet socks,
earning badges I was proud of,
and melting Smores on an open fire.
I dressed up like hookers, and hippies, and David Bowie....
zombies, and witches, and a Box of Frosted Flakes...
faeries, and cinderellas, and neon bumble bees,
cowboys, and drunks, pregnant football players and butterflies...
I woke up every halloween and pulled a new face out of the chest of drawers, and wrote pretend Frank Kafka novels...
rang random doorbells...
And held out my bag for candy...
I don't have a sweet tooth anymore...
And I don't want to be a Girl Scout anymore...
I got kicked out of cub scouts for swearing at my den mother in my late single-digit years . . .
Once a non-scout, always a non-scout . . .
But I can traipse around in the woods like nobody's business . . .
And build roaring fires to warm me tootsies . . .
Ha ha ha . . .
P&L Sings . . .
I kind of feel that same way about cheerleading. 7th grade...Me and Shawnda Abbott had THE BEST stunt prepared for tryouts...practiced for weeks. Right before our turn one of the judges comes up and says 'you can't do that, it's too hard'. We were sabotaged! So, I died my hair blue and said "F.U." :D Yay!!
word verification= chance
I guess that no matter what we do to prepare, to get ready, to fortify & plan...there are some things we can just never be prepared for, yet somehow we pull thru...even if we end up with blue hair at the end of the day...
word verification = chance
I guess that no matter how much we do to prepare, there are some things in life we can never really accurately predict & some things we can never really predict...but somehow, we pull through... even if it means riding home in a pumpkin or going to bed with blue hair..
sorry for the double post...first one didn't show, so I thought it disappeared ;)
double-y well said :)
cheers sandy
I don't know why, but I don't get down here much these days. Maybe it's becaue you don't post real often. I come back, see if you said anything to me about what I wrote to you. There, I admitted it. I come back and see if you've said anything to me.
Then, since you don't seem to come to your blog as often, I don';t come back after I've seen you saw me here.
Why does it work this way? Maybe it's the kind of spirits we are. The same, but different.
Anyway, I stopped by to say hello and remember that the circle, no matter what, will remain unbroken. And I'll be back now that I've come here, to see that you saw me here. I saw you in that girl scout uniform once. You looked real cute, but you looked better with your toe nails painted that hot color and those cut-off jean shorts.
Peace, Love and Hugs
Singleton the girl scout! I've read this one a lot and have had no idea what to say, it says it all, wrapped up in a nice little bundle of imagery that makes me smile.
So glad that you do share with everyone so willingly.
Miss your voice much. I hope you have had a great summer.
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