Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Red Cup...

Sometimes....the clink is so soft,
so quiet,
the ta!dah! of soft red plastic,
cold beer splashing,
spirits smiling....

that you only hear it in remembering....

And then it happens again...
a Spontaneous Celebration...
one arm up in peace and love
stretching to kiss the sky and
one hand
snuggling the splash,
in the very moment
that the sisterhood,
the brotherhood,
the love,
becomes a wave...

That's how we do it down here....


skinnylittleblonde said...

Don't do the red cup and rarely do the cold beer up here...but make no doubts, I love the blues, the brotherhood, the sisterhood, the love and here I sit, itching to move and groove...with two fingers held high for you... ILY

Anonymous said...


You gota love the red cup, the plastic champagne glass, the blown wine glass, the bottle ... or whatever it is that holds the cheer that brings us all together (but I must say...I too have made many a cheer with that red cup)! Love and miss you!

Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

The clink is a rarely heard sound in the centre of our town. Its crisp glass magic has been replaced with a mediocre plastic thud. Less sharp. No risk of cutting for the boys who like chasing each other down to spill claret on the cobblestones.

singleton said...

Two fingers high, clinking in Tink, to all the thens, the nows, the maybebabys yet to come...
To Peace, and Love, and the white dotted lines in between!

SweetPersichetti! OMG! And how many long necked clinks, barefooted with sun on our noses have the 3 of us made? Little gypsies at the sea! To FO Fridays, and champagne over seas calls, to the Billboard Boys, and the YMCA! Good Gawd girls, how many priceless moments have we shared? Love Grows....

Ultra...Awww...Round these parts, we don't let anyboys mess with the Magic. It's all in the moment, and the clink! can be heard forever...

Scott from Oregon said...

ta!dah! indeed...

singleton said...

Scott...LOL! Ta!Dah! you, too:)

kj said...

i totally love you, you know.

even with gaps of weeks and months i am always happier and more alive when you and your words are nearby.

if i keep visiting you, will you keep visiting me? because i like it when you're around. (kj smiles sweetly)


singleton said...

KJ...Muah! I miss you girlfriend! I miss this whole world! If my damned computer would stop acting like a little pink Smith Corona with a mind of it's own and and a twisted tape, I could venture off my porch more often!

peace, love and so wonderful to hear your voice!

Maithri said...

Oh sweet, beautiful, wonderful friend...

I could live in your words...your spirit... your wild untamed peace...

May the world be yours,


Dee said...

Cheers, dear!

singleton said...

I've thought about you so many times friend, and your Mission...I have soooooooooo gotta get this computer fixed so we can keep up in real time, one world. And if I could raise a red cup right now, and make a toast, I would echo your own words....
"May the world be yours"!

Dee...And cheers to you, sweet girl! Tandem clink!