Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Close your eyes....

I can vividly remember the first night...

They sipped pink champagne in long fluted glasses and in between the vinyl grooves, they set their drinks on the mahongony table...

And it left rings in the morning....

She swirled and twirled to Ray Charles, Bobby Vinton, Louis Armstrong, Chubby Checkers, The Tijuana Brass....and just for fun...The Grasshoppers....He dipped, and spun....and laughed....

I sat on the couch and watched. Long gangly legs in a pink velvet dress and blonde bangs chopped off to match my Barbie Doll. Kimbies and I had to be very, very quiet, or we had to go to bed....

I barely breathed.

On the blue carpeted floor, they shimmied and watootsied and "Love potioned Number 9'd" each other.....

And then I grew up....

I went to first grade, and fifth, and senior prom. I fell in love and out of love. And got married. And divorced. I raised my babies. I danced on coffee tables, balconies....and beaches. I danced in empty bars, at concerts, in traffic, and in the kitchen....

But I never forgot...
they might have, but I didn't...

The magic of that night...

Of them closing their eyes and feeling the music....

I believe in Magic...


Dee said...

What a beautiful memory...

singleton said...

Dee...yup...And what's awesome is that Kimbies and hubby live that memory....Their kids will have the same ticker-tape story to tell one day!

Dee said...

Haha! Love it!

Justgivemepeace said...

Dee! And so do I:)

I believe....

May the circle be unbroken...the vinyl records spin...

eric1313 said...

How are you today? I'm sitting in the DJ both here at Lucky's, reading words from a friend I miss more than any other.


Your words match the painting.

Of course... they usually do.

Hoping all is well. Let me know If I'm still welcome in the hippie kingdom.

Peace and love

PS, hope you don't mind me continuing my tradition of writing inspiration here on your blog.

I just need places to create in peace...

Bless you!

singleton said...

Eric...Friend, this porch light is always on...even if I'm not home! So good to see you! I've been scarce myself of many moons and months....

Blasted computer is broken in
ten thousand ways
it hums
and hardly ever lets me wander!

The pages here are always free to use,
cocktail napkins at the bar,
and there are many souls,
not just mine,
that love to read your scribblin's.

Much Peace, friend

eric1313 said...

I'll take that peace and run!

my friend
my friend

I'm perched high in a DJ booth
the musical god child
queing up sounds for the ghosts
that filter through the
genuine drafty neon lite...

It's Sunday morning.

"...wish you were here"

The flood waters
are receding

The doors are still open.

and the fire is still among the

my friend
my friend

It's your song
I'm just a quiet dancer
in the rings of smoke

the neon halos ride high

bt not this hgh...

"wish you were here..."

And the ghosts
will rest easy
if only just for tonight

eric1313 said...

Miss ya! i'm at work cooking burgers, ruebens and philly steaks for the good people of hot springs this morning. Got a fleet of choppers outside right now... and every rider is starving.

Talk to you more later.

I'm so glad scribble once more...
peace and love my friend