Wednesday, July 30, 2008


It's an old house and I'm an old woman. Things are bound to fall apart. And so it goes....

I turn the blue and silver cap slowly, a delicate twist of my wrist, less the bottle neck shatter into a thousand pieces.....
And then, I chug good and hard....

It's beer time, baby.....

The shower gurgles up into the toilet and the toilet runs until the pump gets hot. When the pump gets hot the cold water stops flowing and I've scalded myself silly three 5 minute showers in a row. It's OK. I don't need to rinse off, the wayward boys took off with the soap and the shampoo and I swim with tadpoles, remember?

They disconnected my internet for non payment and I promptly took care of the problem and they politely turned me back on Thirty minutesbefore lightening struck the telephone pole, scampered down the cable and knocked the whole system out. There's a post~it note on the screen now,
It says "don't you dare".....

My broken foot is broken,
and tomorrow I'm wearing combat boots to work,
My key got stuck in the broken kitchen door and I had to break the plywood to crawl through the already broken glass to let Georgia out the broken back door.....
and there's a post-it note there too....
it says "Lock the broken door or the cats will get out"......

I pulled my clothes from the washer and hung them on the line and it rained. Thank God the sky is broken. The rust from the washer was smeared all over my new "I am free" T-shirt and I'm hoping the heavens will rinse it out.

The house is 3 inches deep in cat hair and dog hair and the confetti of my life. The vacuum makes loud noises and spits at my shins.

It's dark here, every 1000 hour light bulb blew out at once and I used all my candles for the hurricanes 3 years ago. I have to keep typing or the screen saver comes on and I can't see a damn thing in the living room.....

Everything is broken,
but the circle.....


Anonymous said...

Persichetti says

God I love you!

~Babs said...

when it rains,,,,

But then there's always this fine music,,,even though I will never be able to fully accept the 'new' Mr. Zimmerman.
He wasn't broken,,,I saw no need for him to get fixed.
I should get out my old albums, but then my turntable is broken.It's old too,,,,like him. Like me. Wonder why I keep it?
His music was of utmost importance in my life at one time,,now I barely recognize him.
Or his voice.
Well, it's okay, he wouldn't recognize me now either, HAHAHAHAHAHA

kj said...

god i love you too!

i knew there would be a last line. i just knew it.

Maithri said...

To be free,

To be broken,
And yet whole,

To be wounded
and still kiss the morning

To stand in the face
of every change
holding the hand
of the
Winged peace
that never

You know I know you know,

Its the only road worth walking...

My love to you always dearest butterfly,


i beati said...

Since a surge fire July 6 that took everything and I cannot replace I run wild and free every weekend. ..See you there!!!

singleton said...

And GAWD I LOVE YOU! Clink! to Midnight ramblings, perfect timing, and the way we go Blah!Blah!Blah!Blah!Blah!

Babs....Smiling....I plundered through all his stages, looking for the one version, the one moment, the one perfect CLINK! of Everything's broken....and then I remembered.... :) My favorite versions hanging on the sidebar! And I'm sure there's a gleam in your eye, a pixie twist to your smile, that even the new Mr. Zimmerman would recognize now!

KJ... ILY2! And of course you knew, you're in the circle Girlfriend! love grows, May the circle be unbroken!

Maithri, sweet Maithri, if you only knew how many times I have repeated, recited, the words learned, gleened from you.....
"the only road worth walking"
"it doesn't matter whose child"
and on and on and on....
Thank you my friend....
for the circle...
of love

Ibeati....OMG! OMG! Where have I been in my own little world? What on earth? OMG!

Peace~love my friends
May it always be unbroken

Shimmerrings said...

Bless your Heart! ... and thank the Heavens for the Circle... that keeps on keepin' on... and we smile on!

Crashdummie said...

sorry to hear that you are having a CSD (Cosmic Shitty Day) but hey, things that destroy you only makes you stronger...

hang in there lil' soldier :)

skinnylittleblonde said...

....and this is why they came up with the acronym SNAFU! ;)
Lol, I had to tell a mutual friend, who was worried after reading this post, that this was normal stuff going wrong in the world we live in. Lol, just because one doesn't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there ;)
These are the things that help us to be aware and appreciate everything else. I LOVE you Sister!

SHE said...

that's write singtome..

..everything is broken, but the circle..

which just grows & grows thanks to you & yours.

love, prayers, peace to you! you'll get through ~ you'll get through -on the precious smiles of baby landon alone

now there's some light for the darkness, love, ~s.

singleton said...

Shimmerings...It's all good! My house talks to me....I totally believe that....Doors lock when you shouldn't open them, refuse to lock when it's time to let the new in, my peace sign rusted when something was eroding away my peace....and just as quickly stopped when I acknowledged what it was...the porch flooded when I needed to "see" footprints where they shouldn't have been....I just have to listen to her sometimes mischevious voice....and remember that she's talking! And God Bless the circle....spinning, growing, smiling!

Crash...:) Oddly, broken things don't usually send me in a tailspin...if the lawn mower doesn't start and the grass is 3 feet high, I just figure I might have mowed my foot off if it would have cranked! I think I just needed to be punked in the noggin' a little to really, really appreciate my beer!

Skinny... Smiling! And I had to tell our other mutual friend, who was cracking up, the other 42 things that fell apart! And she knew before I opened my mouth, this was only peek~a~boo! Amen, sister, Amen. Makes the butterfly moth that much more beautiful!

She....Isn't it funny, how somehow it just doesn't matter when you got the circle goin' on? How it's OK if your clothes smell like city rain and your grass is high enough to be a pixie forest~ if it's OK that the refrigerator died and defrosted all the food at once so you can have an impromptu BBQ~ it's OK if the dog tumped over the garbage and strewed it down the drive way so you could find that damn pair of tweezers you've been lookin' everywhere for~ how it's ok, if youre broke, but blessed with the circle..... Yeah baby, I see the light, feel the light....

Peace~love my friends
It's friday
Even in the kitchen!

Shimmerrings said...

You are one wise lady, to be able to hear and then to listen... one wise lady...

Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

Chin up! Words make it all better, right?

i beati said...

look at him rolling like a little ball cutie !!!healthy !!!

No said...

The song that is going through my mind right now is Stevie Ray Vaughn's, "The Sky is Crying." Your day sounds like one of mine...thanks for keeping such a cool, "butterfly" attitude...I tend to go off the deep end.

skinnylittleblonde said...


~Babs said...

Baby Love is really filling out his onesie!

justacoolcat said...

Still, all in all, it sounds like a good day. Pets, and beer, and showers, and love.

singleton said...

Scooch in....
Last night I checked the doors at around 9:00, typed like a mad lady until I collapsed on the little couch (job # 2 or 3 I'm losing track, getting the best of me) then I woke up at around 4:00 and flipped everything off, fingers jigglin' the broken kitchen door knob, and the broken back door....
At six thirty I woke up to three cats and Georgia lined up in a row, peering out the wide open back door....
New doors go up on Thursday to keep the bad things out, but what I realized this morning was way more profound than that....
New doors go up on Thursday to keep the good stuff in! Keep talkin' sweet home of mine, keep talkin'!

Ultra....Words are the medicine of my soul....much easier to chin up when you soul up.....Nice to hear from you, travelin' Man!

Ibeati....He's got it goin' on! God, I wished I had the camera goin' on last night....laughter! Straight from the belly, to his fingertips! Laughter! I'm so in love!

Skinny.....we gotta run away! ILYSVVFM!

Babs....14 pounds! And I'll blink my eyes and he'll be towering over me, holding my elbows, helping me up the steps! God, I'm so in love!

Suchacoolcat.....I shampooed in the pool, fell through the park bench, waded through the septic tank.....And we laughed! God bless the circle~ Love grows.....

Peace~love my friends
May the circle never end....

eric1313 said...


The circle lives forever--that's just how it's made to be.

Peace and love my friend.

goatman said...

You sound like the last person. A friend once related that the last person as not being able to even find a truck to run over her in the street.
That's how out of luck she was!

singleton said...

No....I loooooooove that song! And I tend to go off the deep end, too! A little wailing and foot stomping is sometimes good for the soul! And keeps the neighbor's on their toes!

I'm blown away at the strength of the circle....
the bendy twist art of friendship....
It rocks!

Goatman....Oh, I dont wanna be the last person, ohhhhhhh nooooooo! I'm truly the luckiest, stuck smack in the middle of a hand~holdin', stand by me, stand by you, chain of love!

Peace~love folks....
May the circle be unbroken....